Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Going dark...

The hardest part of life is choosing. Choosing what to eat for dinner when the menu is filled with amazing food you have to try.

Choosing where to take your career when the world is filled with stories you want to write.

And choosing where to spend the 24 hours every writer gets a day.

This is my last post for MMM. I've loved my time here but I'm struggling to fit everything in, especially the most important part, the writing. :)

I know many of you struggle with the same dilemma, fitting in time for you and your own dreams.

Let me just leave you with one last story.

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to become a writer. Being very literal, she searched for a college degree that would lead her down the right path. Not finding that, she took the practical way out, and went to work for the state after getting her degree.

Many years later, the girl found herself fighting breast cancer. While she sat and waited for doctors, and tests, and chemo, and radiation, she read. As she read, the stories she'd been carrying around for years started to bubble up. The stories she would write, someday.

The girl made a decision. Since someday wasn't looking too promising, she sat at her little kitchen table and wrote. Then she sent out those two essays and sold them to the world.

Then she started again.

That was 2007, in 2012, my first book was published and in 2014, Guidebook to Murder hit the NYT list.

Make today your someday.

Much love,


Jean Henry Mead said...

Bless you, Lynn. You'll be greatly missed here.

Lynn Cahoon said...

Jean, thank you for your comments and your friendship. I hate to leave, but I have to carve out more time. :)

Morgan Mandel said...

Lynn, we'll miss you here. Whenever you'd like to be a guest, please contact one of us. Don't be a stranger!

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

I'll miss you and your posts. Lynn.