Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Once Again, Donning a Different Hat

Last week I sent off my latest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery to my publisher. I struggled a bit with this book--and ended up revisiting the Hairy Man. I'm always happy to spend some time with him. But now I'll have to start thinking about how I'll promote it.

Should I do another blog tour? Should I offer to name a character after someone as a prize? What about a book launch? An in-person party? Or should I do a launch online? Maybe both?

While wearing that hat, I am switching to the Rocky Bluff P.D. cap. Yes, I'm writing another book in that series, and I need to get with it as I need chapters to read each week to my critique group. This means I need to familiarize myself again with the officers of the Rocky Bluff P.D. and their families and what was happening with them when I last visited. I do have the start of the major plot thread (without the conclusion) and some minor plots I want to pursue.

While wearing the RBPD cap, I need to envision myself in the small beach community of Rocky Bluff. Think the smell of the ocean, fog rolling in most mornings, the sun burning off the fog later in the day and then making it's return. I must see the town and how it climbs up the hillside and under the freeway and then changing to small ranches and orange groves.Will I incorporate the wealthier homes that perch on the bluff that gives the town it's name? At this point, I don't know.

So that's where I am folks, switching hats as first my mind whirls around the promotion part of being a writer, then moving to the imagination side, seeing my creations set about their lives and meeting new challenges.

What about you? What're you  up to these days?

Marilyn aka F. M. Meredith


Patricia Gligor's Writers Forum said...

I'm always in awe of you, Marilyn, because of all you manage to accomplish. I love both of the series you write!
These days I'm having a little difficulty with the donning a different hat thing. I moved in with my elderly mother three months ago and I'm still struggling to adjust. I'm writing the fourth book for my Malone Mystery series and I'm very excited about it but figuring out how and when to "switch hats" between my personal responsibilities, writing my book and promoting the series is presenting quite a challenge these days. I need to remember to follow your example.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Oh, my. I had my mom living with me for awhile and I know some of the adjusting that you're going through. Now I'm the elderly one. My advice, write in snatches--whenever you can.

Morgan Mandel said...

With so many avenues for promotion, it's very difficult to figure out which is the most effective, that's for sure!