Yep, I wrote a Halloween book! Bones in the Attic.
Of course it's much more than a Halloween book, though the main mystery is focused on the skeleton found in the attic by the high school art club while they were decorating an abandoned house to be used as a money maker.
I had a lot of fun writing this book as I wove in all the things that were happening in the lives of the major characters as well as the Rocky Bluff P.D. detectives trying to find out who the skeleton belonged to.
I write this series as F. M. Meredith, something I started long ago when I thought men would be more apt to buy a book with just my initials. First publisher, put my photo on the back, so that didn't work.
This series has been through a lot--first book came out as an e-book before there were e-readers, long before Kindle. No one really wanted to read a whole book on their computer. Second publisher didn't send royalties even though books were sold. Found a new publisher, after two books, she closed shop. Next publisher was wonderful and a friend, she published several books in the series, but then she had a stroke, than another, and passed a way.
Now I'm happy to say, I'm with Aakenbaken and Kent.
I'm hoping to get more speaking engagements set up before Halloween. My daughter gave me a skeleton and some skulls to decorate my book table. Should be fun.
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Hope some of you will try Bones in the Attic.