Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ENTER IF YOU DARE By Morgan Mandel

Hi Mystery Lovers,
Anyone who reads mysteries enjoys suspense, so we'll do our best to offer it. We invite you to follow our mysterious road and see where it leads.

Some days, you may discover a post from a member blogger. Other times, a turn in the road could lead you to a post from a guest with distracting links to follow. Just make sure you come back. We don't want you to get lost along the way. Otherwise, something bad might happen to you.


Lesa said...

Hi Morgan and Marilyn,

Good luck with the blog. Tried to follow by Blogger is having problems today. I promise I'll follow as soon as they get everything worked out.

In the meantime, good luck!

Morgan Mandel said...

You're following us now.

Morgan Mandel

Vivian Zabel said...

I'm following you, too. I like and write mysteries.


Morgan Mandel said...

Its' getting even more spooky here. We have more people following us.

Morgan Mandel

Lillie Ammann said...

I'm looking forward to reading future posts. I've subscribed to the feed.

Morgan Mandel said...

Thanks Lillie for joining in. The mystery is widening.
Morgan Mandel

carl brookins said...

I really like the fall road picture. hope the blog does well