Thursday, December 17, 2009

Writers, Write a Christmas Story by Christine Duncan

I've been having fun on my other blog challenging writers to write a Christmas story and post the link in the comment section. Some people have emailed me off blog to say they tried it and it was too hard to whip out a story. It can be.
But here's the deal. We're all busy and writing can take a back seat in the holiday season. We're rushing around, baking, shopping, sending out cards and we're maybe not stopping to enjoy. Writing a Christmas story can make you focus on just what you love (or hate) about the season, and put some of your focus back on your writing.
So I'm issuing my challenge here as well. Try it! Write a Christmas story. Make it a mystery Christmas story. Or not. But post your link in the comment section here. Help us all get in the Christmas mood.
The link to my story? It's on my website.

Christine Duncan is the author of the Kaye Berreano mystery series. Safe House the second book of the series was released this fall.

1 comment:

Vivian Zabel said...

My Christmas story can be found at - my Christmas present for all who read.

Vivian Zabel