Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Writers Write

At my latest writers critique group we had a visitor who supposedly wanted to write about his life.
We expected him to come with at least a sample of his writing. Instead, he tried to tell us some interesting facts about his life.

Though what we heard was unusual, our leader told him what I've often said myself, "Don't tell your story or you may never write it."

Many times I've been at a book fair or given a presentation to a group and had at least one person come up to me and start to tell me about the book they planned to write someday. Chances are most of those folks will never actually sit down and write that book.

The fact is, writers write.

It might not always be the book they are working on, it could be a blog post or a short story. It could be an outline for the next novel, or perhaps character sketches.

Writers write.

In my case, I feel compelled to write. It certainly isn't because I make a lot of money at it. But I'm not happy if I'm not working on a book, planning or editing one.

Of course there's a lot more to being a writer--but the simple truth is writers write.


P.S. I'm working on my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery.


Morgan Mandel said...

Yes, I know how it is. Writing is an obsession I also have. It might go away for a while, but always returns.

Morgan Mandel

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Yes, it definitely is a have-to for us who have the writing virus.