But here's what's happening:
On March 18th a blog tour I planned for Bones in the Attic began. It is a bit shorter than usual, thank goodness, but on the 2nd day of the tour, I'm heading to Visalia, leaving at 7, to take part in Taste of the Arts to be in a booth with several other writers.
For those of you who have ever done a blog tour know how vital it is to promote each day and respond to any comments people make on each blog. I'll have to promote really early, and when I come home, respond to comments.
The day this post appears I wrote about A Little Help From a Friend for John Lindermuth: https://jrlindermuth.blogspot.com/
And because I suppose I wasn't thinking clearly, I planed a free e-book promotion for October 27 through 31 for Calling the Dead
And yes, that means plenty of promotion to make sure people take advantage of the offer.
Hope some of you will take advantage of it too.
After this is done, I am spending two days with my books at the Porterville Art Gallery for their holiday boutique--November 1 and 2, 10 to 5.