Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mystery Writer's Hangouts by Christine Duncan

Crimespace, one of my favorite mystery places to hang out on the net(when I have the time to hang out) is facing a bit of a change. Ning is going to start charging and Daniel Hatadi, the owner of crimespace is left trying to decide what to do.
Me too.
With the way the economy has changed things, I no longer have the time or the money to hang out at physical (real world) writer's groups. I tend to get all of my writing news, info and some of the camaraderie I used to get from a group from the net. And the net, as we all know is constantly changing.
Besides Crimespace, I belong to Murder Must Advertise which is a Yahoo email group. I get some info there about promo and such--a little glimpse at the business end of writing in this genre.
I belong to Dorothy L but tend to do a mass delete on busy days--and most days are busy anymore.
I catch a few friends on Facebook and Twitter but it's random.
So where do you get your mystery writing news and where can you hang out to catch your writer friends?


Jean Henry Mead said...

All of the above, Christine, plus quite a few more. I also delete more than I read due to time constrictions.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Good post, and I think all of us mystery writers are more or less on the same page.


Morgan Mandel said...

I've moved my Ning group, Book Place, over to Facebook, since I won't be paying premium prices, and it's too much of a hassle to collect money from members to do it.

Anyway, anyone who is connected with books in any capacity is welcome to join at the Book Place group at Facebook. The link is:!/group.php?gid=119278141415641

or just go to Facebook and put Book Place in the search box.

Morgan Mandel

Dana Fredsti said...

I love the people I've met online, but I have to say my sisters in crime norcal group plays a huge part for me as far as getting inspiration and news from others in the mystery genre...

As far as romance and horror authors, I do have more social activity on line than in 'real' life.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

All the places you mention and a few others. I usually read more than I delete.

Sad news about Ning and CrimeSpace. I won't be paying any monies as I don't have any money. Home on unpaid medical leave which is a disaster.

I also won't be doing anything with Facebook. My employer forbids them as well as Myspace and a couple of others.