January 5, 2017
New Year Tradition from around the World –
Linda Kane
On the first Thursday of every month
I will be regaling you with history, fun facts, and interesting tidbits. I look
forward to hearing from you, I’m always interested.
Here I am,
sixty-five years young and just realized that maybe people in other countries don’t celebrate the New Year in the same way that the US does.
For those
people living outside the US for us,
the most celebrated event is the “ball drop’ in Times Square, N.Y. which was
begun in 1907, add in the free flow of wine, champagne, feasting and of course,
our national past time, football.
The United Kingdom welcomes the New Year
in with loud cheers, warmth of family, friends, with feasting and drinking.
In China, they celebrate their New Year
with much pomp and grandeur. Celebrations may last for 10-15 days. Beating of
drums chase away evil spirits, Lion Dancing, and feasting.
In Japan they visit Temples to pray for
the departed and for a good harvest. Temple bells are rung 10 times to chase
off evil. Also, Japanese homes have straw ropes at the entrance to bring good
In Denmark they collect dishes all year
and throw them at the front door of their friends on New Year’s-the more broken
plates, the more friends you’ll have in the New Year.
These are just a few of the
traditions from different countries. I’d enjoy reading what some of your
traditions are and some you may be familiar.
Linda Lee Kane has a master’s degree in education, school
psychology, people pupil services, and learning disability specialist. She has
authored eight books; two are mysteries, The Black Madonna: A fast-paced action
adventure and an exciting, exhilarating read. Murder, mystery, and intrigue
keep you on the edge of your seat. Chilled to the Bones: An adventurous and
chilling ride where four high school friends find themselves embroiled in a
historical mystery more than a century old. Secret codes, murder, and a lurking
evil presence lead them to the point of almost no return. A page turner from
beginning to end.
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At my age, I'm lucky to be awake at midnight to kiss my husband to celebrate the New Year. We used to go to New Year's Eve parties, but now we like to stay off the roads that night.
I haven't stayed up for a New Year celebration in I don't know how long.
I don't think I have stayed up for New Years either and not just the last few years, but maybe a couple of decades. Good post.
At some point in one's life, sleep becomes more important than celebrating. We slept through the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Interesting blog. Beryl
Haven't stayed up to see in the New Year for years. Not since my oldest, now 22 but at the time 4 years old, wanted to stay up and bang pots and pans at midnight. Still trying to figure out where he got that idea.
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