Though I knew I needed to write a post for this blog, it slipped my mind--like so many things do these days.
Yesterday, late, the edits for my latest Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery arrived, so I dived into them immediately. That's how I spent the morning.
Oh what fun. I'd mixed up characters' names so many times, glad my editor caught them all.
Another big distraction was receiving this month's issue of the San Joaquin chapter of Sisters in Crime because there was a wonderful review of Seldom Traveled in it.
Seldom Traveled
Living in the foothills of the Sierra gives an immediacy and personality to nature that is missing in town. From the danger of bears rummaging in the trash bin to the scream of a mountain lion after prey, the drought brought predators and flames down to my door last summer. In this fifteenth Tempe Crabtree mystery, forest fire comes to the mountain community of Bear Creek.
Tempe is a Tulare County Deputy Sheriff. Returning from a vacation she is plunged back into work by the search for an escaped felon and a missing woman. When wealthy socialite Mariah Konstanzer is found murdered the trail of clues leads Tempe into the deadly heart of a conflagration.
“I can’t go any faster. If we break down, we’ll be in a worse mess than we are now.” She eased around one curve and then the next…. She braked.
“What are you doing?”
“We aren’t going to make it. Not this way anyway. Take a look ahead.”
A wall of flames crossed the road. The treetops on either side blazed. Sparks flew high
into the sky. (page 117)
Does Tempe survive to return in a sixteenth volume? You must read the book to find out! Marilyn Meredith writes excellent books that are a believable slice of life without being boring or profane. The language is clean, the sex offstage and the action scenes are page turners. The hazards of mountain fire are well researched, the characters are realistic.
I really appreciate the bits of Tempe’s Yokut heritage sprinkled into the stories as well as the Native American designs on the book covers. This book can be read as a stand-alone. It is truly a pleasure to read about people with well-balanced psyches and interesting lives, a combination that is rare in fiction these days. This book is highly recommended and a keeper.--Reviewed by Terrell Byrd.
And there were some other things that cropped up--but finally, here I am!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Janet Elizabeth Lynn Interviews a Mobster's Daughter
by Janet Elizabeth Lynn
I had the opportunity to
interview the daughter of a mob king who grew up in 1950s Vegas.
"Amy" is a charming lady, 75 years old now, but looks closer to late
As we spoke,
I couldn't help but compare her life with mine, we are about the same age but I
grew up in rural Long Island, New York. She rode her bike to school, to the
post office, parks etc. as I did. Her mother was very involved with her and her
sister even having matching summer dresses made for the three of them.
remember our mother daughter dresses had blue flowers on them with blue lace
around the neck. She said theirs were yellow with white lace.
My father left for work every morning, hers left for the casino every morning. Neither one of us knew or cared at the time what our fathers did, they just came home every night. Amy remembers ordering her first pair of high heels at Sears, I bought mine at Penny's.

My father left for work every morning, hers left for the casino every morning. Neither one of us knew or cared at the time what our fathers did, they just came home every night. Amy remembers ordering her first pair of high heels at Sears, I bought mine at Penny's.
She then talked about her house: a kitchen, small dining room and a large dining room for parties. That's where we differed.

She was talking about Sammy Davis, Jr., Pearl Bailey and her brother Bill, Frank Sinatra, etc. Hence the rule of the house was everyone had to dress for dinner.
Amy called her evening wear "After 5 Dresses". Her mother made sure her was hair done perfectly for dinner, every night.
explained that 1955 Las Vegas was heavily segregated. People of color were not
allowed to use the main entrance of the hotels, stay in hotels, or frequent
casinos or shows. This included performers. So they were allowed to perform,
but not leave through the main entrance.
"My dad felt badly about this so he built several small bungalows around our pool area and let them stay there and dine with our family. Otherwise they would have to stay in rooming houses."
I asked her
if she knew her father was a mob king and if there were any precautions taken
for her or her family's security.
She smiled,
"You have to understand, Las Vegas was a sleepily little town. Everyone
knew we were his family yet I went to school with the locals, played with the
local kids at the playground and went to their birthday parties. I just knew he
was my dad and he came home every night."
wasn't until I got older that I noticed the attention dad and mom were getting,
and the press hounding our house and us. That's how I knew something was
different. Then my sister and I were sent to college in the north."
We ended the
20 minute interview with a promise of a signed copy of our book.
On the way
back to our hotel my husband and I talked and realized that the mobsters owned
illegal businesses and were considered criminals, but the minute they set foot
in Las Vegas, they were legitimate businessmen. And very successful ones at
interview gave me a real feel for 1955 Las Vegas and most important, where to
dump bodies, car chases and most of all, where my character would eat. After
all it was Las Vegas.
For more, here's a link to Janet and her husband,
Will's book, Desert Ice, set in Las Vegas in the 50s -
Janet's Website
Will's Website
For more, here's a link to Janet and her husband,
Will's book, Desert Ice, set in Las Vegas in the 50s -
Janet's Website
Will's Website
Please leave a comment about Janet's fascinating interview.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Named as a Character in a Book for the Second Time
This was a fun blog post (September 17, 2015). We got a surprise visit from Hank Phillippi Ryan who dropped in and commented on the complexities of using real people’s names as characters. Another commenter told us she’d never want to be named after a dead body or an evil person. Marilyn’s response was that she’d never kill off a character named after a real person or make them too awful unless, of course, they didn’t mind. I ended up in Not As It Seems as a not-so-nice, tall, redheaded woman. For me, it made the book more fun to read.
Last February, a few members of the Middle Tennessee Sisters in Crime organization met with Carolyn Haines in Mobile, Alabama. She'd joined us in Nashville a few years earlier, but was unable to make another trip in 2016, so we went to her. We had dinner with her one night, got to speak at the Mobile Writers Guild she belongs to, and have lunch with her college students. Carolyn had been teaching creative writing at the University of South Alabama for a very long time. At some point during all this, Carolyn Haines said she was going to name a character after me. I was all for it.
So I am a crotchety insurance sales woman in Sticks and Bones coming out May 17th. I can’t wait. It's part of her Sarah Booth Delaney mystery series. I saw it online and will pre-order it.
Buy Link: Buy Sticks and Stones

Author Carolyn Haines
She told me that she has one friend, Aleta, who has been a dead whore twice in her books. In The House of Memory (I think also available for pre-order) coming out in June, she has four friends who are dead, lobotomized whores. She joked about not being so good to her friends, but hey, I know they all agreed and are happy to be included, dead or alive.
Buy link for the House of Memory: House of Memory
I have loved each and every one of Carolyn Haines Sarah Booth Delaney bone series mystery books. The newest coming out is in mid March and can be pre-ordered now. It is Guru Bones. I guarantee you'll love it. Here's the buy link: Buy link for Guru Bones - A Sarah Booth Delaney mystery
Being named for a character in an author's book is a different experience -- a fun one for me.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Writerus Interruptus
Janis Patterson
I envy and am astonished at those
people who can write with small children around – or big children, for that
matter. How do they concentrate?
I am fortunate enough to be able
to work at home in my own office, but always accompanied by our furbabies – one
demanding cat and one prissy diva of a little dog. They are both rescues from
horrific situations (curses be forever on the heads of those who abuse
animals!) and though both our furbabies have been with us for several years
they still bear the psychic scars.
In the everlasting attempt to be
able to concentrate uninterrupted on my writing, I tried locking them in their
rooms. (Yes, they each have their own, generally better furnished than The
Husband’s and mine.) Ours is a reasonably large house, but totally insufficient
to block the chorus of demanding barks, aggrieved howls and pathetic whimpers
engendered by such obviously unjust incarceration. I doubt if Blenheim Palace
would be large enough.
Failing that, I let them into my
office, which though they enjoy it is not the best thing for me. Chloe the cat
will sleep for hours, then demand to be taken into my lap just when I am trying
to concentrate on a particularly difficult scene. ‘Demand’ is not a word I use
lightly; a large cat, she stands on her hind legs and paws at my lap. (She was
declawed when she came to us, but her little ‘fingers’ are incredibly strong.
If she were not declawed I would be positively anemic from bloodloss…) If I
don’t stop and take her up, she starts to sing the aggrieved song of her people
at ear-splitting decibels. On the rare times that doesn’t work, she becomes
more direct and simply bites me on the leg. Seldom hard enough to draw blood,
but definitely hard enough to get my attention. Once ensconced on my lap, she
takes offense if I go on typing; she wants all the attention.
Now Mindy Moo the dog will sleep
though all this, until I pick up the cat; then suddenly the cat is trespassing
on Her Mommy, and she makes her displeasure known. I have to divide Lap Time
equally between them, which can be vexing, as I can only hold one of them at a
time. As Mindy Moo is a terrier (I say she is half terrier mix and half pure
diva) she is most decided about her wants. Any attempts to train her have gone
unfulfilled by the wayside – with two exceptions. She does use her pee-pads. We
don’t dare let her out, as we have both coyotes and red-tailed hawks in our
neighborhood and at ten pounds she would be a tasty morsel for either. She also
has made a fine art of obeying to ‘sit’ and ‘ask’ and getting a treat for doing
so. Anything else – hah!
What is most alarming for me – as
a writer of mystery and occasionally horror – is that she will sleep quietly for
hours, only to explode into frenzied barking and snarling without warning –
usually when I am deep into an unnerving and/or frightening scene. Perhaps she
just wants to make sure my heart is working properly. It hasn’t exploded yet,
though sometimes I wonder why. Despite the dark places in my mind, though, it
is useful to know that neither postman nor UPS man nor marauding moth can
approach the front door without Mindy’s noisy alert. I really don’t know if she
thinks she is protecting the house or if she regards the postman and UPS man as
a sophisticated, self-ambulatory version of meals-on-wheels for dogs. The moths
are probably just for fun.
However – I love them (most of
the time) and the three of us can rub along together tolerably well. Again,
most of the time. But I still am in awe of those who can write with children
around. My hat is off to all of you!
(By the way, A KILLING AT EL KAB, a Janis Patterson mystery, and CURSE OF THE EXILE, a Janis Susan May Scottish Victorian Gothic Romance, are on sale for only $1.99 each at most major ebook outlets through 18 February)
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Gone are the Good Old Days
Make Mine Mystery
February 2, 2017
The Dark History of Valentine’s Day
Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty, right? But the origins of this festival of candy,
cupids, and heart are actually dark, bloody, and a bit muddled.
Although no
one has pinpointed the origin of Valentine ’s Day, one good place to start is
ancient Rome where men hit on women by, well, hitting them on the head, and
other places.
13-15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. Men sacrificed a goat and
a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just killed.
Women would line up for men to hit them. They believed this would make them
fertile. This holiday even included a matchmaking lottery, in which men drew
the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be coupled for the
duration of the festival-possibly longer, if the match worked.
But where
did the name come from? Emperor Claudius II executed two men-both names
Valentine-on February 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D.
Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St.
Valentine’s Day.
It all ended up being a festival of
love, drinking, cards, roses, and
everyone had to put their clothes back on.

Check out :
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
The worst first--Facebook has been a tremendous interference lately. I am really trying to avoid it as much as I can. I made the mistake of posting my opinions and was called names. And I got sick of reading posts from people I admired that were full of guttural and potty language. (Yes, the biggest offenders were writers.) I ended up unfriending some, I don't need that icky stuff in my mind.
The good is we had another great-grand born into our family--makes 18 all together. And did you get that I said great-grand? Yes, my grandchildren are having babies--and one of my great-grands had one, and another great is going to be a father soon.
We have two great grands living with us, darling girls. Believe me, they do liven up our lives. Took time out the other day to play three games of UNO with the four year old. she's really good at it. (But I won all 3 games--a miracle, because she almost always wins. Probably beginner's luck)
Hubby is beginning to show his age (me too, for that matter, I've slowed down considerably) and when he goes to the doctor's I need to go too because he doesn't always get or remember what he's been told.
Because of my BIG family, I want to do things with them. After all, not too many kids have their grandma and great-grandma still around. I need to enjoy them all while I can.
And then there's the in-person promoting--that is necessary, fun, but takes time away from the writing.
I also volunteered to help reorganize a local writing group--which also will take some time away form my writing.
There are so many other things that I do, some writing related, some family related that take time away from what actual writing.
Oh, and there's the biggie--doing my income tax. Will start that soon too, once I'm sure I've gotten all the forms.
Okay, I've belly-ached enough, time to get back to work.
How many of you feel the same? Seems like I don't have near the time I used too.
One of the latest good distractions--Daniel Adam.
The good is we had another great-grand born into our family--makes 18 all together. And did you get that I said great-grand? Yes, my grandchildren are having babies--and one of my great-grands had one, and another great is going to be a father soon.
We have two great grands living with us, darling girls. Believe me, they do liven up our lives. Took time out the other day to play three games of UNO with the four year old. she's really good at it. (But I won all 3 games--a miracle, because she almost always wins. Probably beginner's luck)
Hubby is beginning to show his age (me too, for that matter, I've slowed down considerably) and when he goes to the doctor's I need to go too because he doesn't always get or remember what he's been told.
Because of my BIG family, I want to do things with them. After all, not too many kids have their grandma and great-grandma still around. I need to enjoy them all while I can.
And then there's the in-person promoting--that is necessary, fun, but takes time away from the writing.
I also volunteered to help reorganize a local writing group--which also will take some time away form my writing.
There are so many other things that I do, some writing related, some family related that take time away from what actual writing.
Oh, and there's the biggie--doing my income tax. Will start that soon too, once I'm sure I've gotten all the forms.
Okay, I've belly-ached enough, time to get back to work.
How many of you feel the same? Seems like I don't have near the time I used too.
One of the latest good distractions--Daniel Adam.
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