Make Mine Mystery
Linda Kane
February 5,
Making it a
Goal to be Happy!
So many
people get caught up in what they think will make them happy but, in my
opinion, this is where the fail. Happiness is not about doing its about being.
If you allow
yourself to be in that moment, happiness
will follow.
The world
would be a better place if we chased our dreams and fulfilling our potential.
I’m extremely fortunate that my husband has always supported my dream of being
first, a real estate agent, broker, a college student, a person with a degree
in communicative disorders, a counselor, and a psychologist, an equestrian,
artist, and now an author. I’m not tooting my own horn by any means. I’m just
letting you know what my husband has put up with so I can fulfill my dreams.
And I have to say, I’m very happy…even when I get rejected, I know I just have
to figure out why and fix it.
Here are
five quotes to think about on your journey to happiness:
5. “Rules of
happiness, something to do, Someone to love, Something to hope for.” –Immanuel

2. Happiness
is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” –Margaret Lee
1. My favorite: “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their
minds up to be.” -Abraham Lincoln.

Having a supportive husband certainly means a lot. I have one of those too and I feel blessed.
Great advice!
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