Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Making Time to Write

 Because I'm not a big-name author nor can I claim being a full-time writer, I need to figure out when I can write. I'm still trying to finish the edits on my latest and last Rocky Bluff P.D.

If I love writing as much as I've claimed,  what do I have to do that is so important it comes before writing?

First, is taking care of my husband. He cared for me for most of the 71 years we've been married, and now he needs my help.

Second, I have a big family that I love, and when I have the opportunity to be with them, I jump at it. (Well, I no longer jump at all, but you know what I mean.)

I have another job which crops up from time to time, one that actually results in my being paid for my time, so when someone calls on me, I'm going to do it.

Though I no longer do all the household chores I used to do, there are still some I can accomplish and they take some of my time and attention. I'm also the one who does the bill paying, keep track of expenses, and taking care of income tax. 

And in order, to sell my books, I do a fair amount of online promotion. Hopefully there will also be more occasions to talk about my books and sell them at in-person events as the year progresses. 

I use the priority system and do whatever needs to be be done first. Sadly, writing isn't one of the first on my list.

Also, I need to write in the morning when my brain is fresh. I shop in the morning and most of my hubby's and my doctor appointments are scheduled for morning.

After all this you probably wonder when I do write and the answer is whenever I can, which is not as often as I'd like.



Morgan Mandel said...

Somehow you must be fitting your writing in, since you do crank out a great many books! Writing usually ends up last on my list of things to be done, and I've fallen way behind on my work in progress. I could give up connecting with my friends on Facebook, which takes time, but I do like sharing with them and learning what's happening in their lives.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

I love Facebook, but it is a time suck. But since we don't do as much in-person visiting as we once did, nor do I go to any of the big conferences anymore, Facebook is a good way to connect with friends.

authorlindathorne said...

Good for you, Marilyn. Lately I've been the opposite. I'm trying to reach Morgan Mandel to let her know to give my spot away, but I don't think she's seen my e-mail or Facebook message. I will try again on the comments, early, when a new post comes out.

Marilyn, you are like the little Chu Chu train who keeps going. I've always admired that about you and your writing. I enjoyed your post and thank you.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Oh, Linda, you write such wonderful blog posts. I'll miss you so much.