Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recession proofing your Writing? by Christine Duncan

Since the recession has taken its toll on our income, I have been taking temporary jobs to help out. I still do the books for my husband's business, just on my own time after my temp job. And I am taking a tax refresher course for six hours every Saturday so that I can get paid to do taxes come January. All of this has moved my writing to my off hours. Which means, I'm cutting back on any and all recreational time. I don't remember when I last had coffee with a friend, and my house could use a good cleaning--but all it gets right now is the proverbial lick and a promise.

I suspect that I'm not alone. Many of us are taking on other work or working extra hours at our regular day jobs to make ends meet. And thanking God fasting that we have those options.

I work in my writing late, after I've completed the homework for the tax course and maybe taken one of the on-line tests. My promotion work is done on the computer or by phone. I did shoe-horn in an interview recently for the local paper and was thrilled with it but I'm staying up later and getting less sleep to do the things I'm doing. Time to just goof off is a distant memory.
Let me make it clear--I'm not whining. I'm proud of myself and everyone else out there who is working harder and squeezing more out of their time and their money. But life has changed and it's worth noting.

So how are you adapting to this recession? Is it affecting your writing? What are your tips?

Christine Duncan is the author of the Kaye Berreano mystery series. Safe House, book two of the series was released last month.


Dana Fredsti said...

Christine, I've been working overtime for the last two years since my bf/roommate lost his job and hasn't been able to score full time work since... and trying to just write in between the work and the sleeping... kudos to you for keeping the writing going!

Dana Fredsti said...

Christine, I've been working overtime for the last two years since my bf/roommate lost his job and hasn't been able to score full time work since... and trying to just write in between the work and the sleeping... kudos to you for keeping the writing going!

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Because both hubby and I are now retired, the only way the recession is affecting me is when people don't buy my books. And yes, I've noticed book buying is a bit off, though not as much as I thought it might be.

Morgan Mandel said...

I work 5 days a week instead of the 4 I used to and they still pay me only for 4, but I need to keep my job.

Having a hard time finding time to write and promote.

Morgan Mandel

Unknown said...

Extraneous recreation is definitely one of the first things to go. But, of course, what we can't tell anyone is that our writing is the best recreation of all! Sneaky us. ;)