Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mystery and Modern Technology

by Janis Patterson

Modern technology is taking a lot of the fun out of mystery writing. I mean, with caller ID, DNA, tracking devices, the ability to ping cell towers, virtual reality crime scene re-creation, instant background checks through multiple databases, ubiquitous surveillance cameras, facial recognition, computer access.... well, you know what I mean. What is there left to detect? A computer geek with access to the proper modern toys can often solve the mystery without leaving the comfort of his ergonomic chair in his mother's basement.

The more widely spread such electronic goodies become, the harder it becomes for mystery writers to find ways for their electronically-challenged sleuths to create a believable scenario. Some have frankly given up and fled into the past, where real, human-based detecting is the norm. Others twist probability into pretzels by locating their stories on remote islands, during power outages, and the like. A few - a very few - writers have mastered the balance of solving crimes with electronically available data and human detecting in a palatable form. I salute them. Many, many more have not.

Let's face it - while many if not most people use electronic toys such as cell phones and computers, how many are really conversant with how they work? We hit one button dialing or click a screen to make phone calls, we surf the net with a few clicks, but that's about the extent of a lot of people's knowledge. I'm one of them, and to me it's boring where in a mystery the detective (either by himself or with his super-techy partner) look at a computer screen, spout a couple of incomprehensible tech words (which to the average reader might as well be Urdu or Dogon) and poof! - there is a clue if not the entire solution to the mystery. Somehow some TV shows do this well and believably, but in books.... boorrring! And I suspect somehow the palatability of super-tech in TV shows has a lot to do with how hot the actor is spouting all the computer jargon!

So what is a tech-challenged writer to do? We can't all put our mysteries on desert islands or during power outages or someplace else where instant information is not the norm. We can't all have our sleuth continually forgetting to charge his/her cell phone or leaving it behind. Most people in real life seem to have their cell phones surgically attached! Now we not only have to craft a believable mystery but also create logical reasons why our sleuth can't jump on the 'net, do a few clicks and find out at least half a book's information, including, of course, the one pertinent clue that solves the mystery. All of which, sadly, would in real logically take place on page 25 or so. Sigh.

I don't have any answers. I've taken heat from readers because my sleuths are tech-challenged, then declaring that my stories aren't believable because my sleuths aren't in constant contact with the 'net. One of my solutions is to have a sleuth (Flora Melkiot, EXERCISE IS MURDER, MURDER IN DEATH'S WAITING ROOM) who is elderly - but don't let her hear you say that - and finds modern technology both unmannerly and common. Plus, she is wildly nosy and loves winkling information out of other people. She is also quite rich, and I think I would like to grow up and be her!

Anyway, this problem is not going away. For those of you who can believably construct a mystery using modern technology in a way that is palatable with the majority of readers - I salute you! For the rest of us... I don't know. I just might follow my betters and escape to the past, where rotary dials are cutting edge, cars have manual transmissions (my favorite!), and privacy was not only the norm, but valued. I know I'll see some of you there!

On another note, I would like to say that my YouTube channel is up and running - and I would be most appreciative if you would drop by. It's called Janis' Tips and Tales, and a new episode is released on the fourth Thursday of every month. Thank you!


Nancy said...

Thank you! I've been dealing with this problem, and it's causing me all kinds of problems in writing a mystery. There is no 'mystery' any longer because of tech. Like you, going back to the past is an option I've been considering.

C. C. Harrison said...

I couldn't agree more!!! It is a challenge! In my last two manuscripts, I included a tech savvy character who moved the story along, but I did not spend any time at all describing the Internet search.

Vonnie said...

Janis, I think that's what a lot of writers do - revert to the past where technology did not hold sway. As you say, it is HARD to sound believable with a hero/heroine who is not surgically attached to their i-phone. said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Keeping up with technology is daunting. I'm writing a mystery at the moment and have a critique partner who is an ex cop. If I don't add enough, she lets me know even though I'm not certain the average reader really cares to read every little detail. Next story, my sleuth will be unattached to a police station. Thanks for your comments.

Jacqueline Seewald said...

Yes, this is a very real problem. How much tech should be employed in a mystery novel? Readers do tend to be critical.

authorlindathorne said...

I loved this post and your elderly character sounds super (I won't tell her you said she was up in years). Yes, this technology problem makes writing harder, but there are ways around it, just like what you came up with. I don't want to include all that stuff in my writing either. Too much explanation and then I'm stuck with convincing the reader why my characters didn't know more than they did because they should've with all the social media and tech sources out there. No fun! I have it a little easier with my series because it started in 2005. I didn't bring it up to current time when I published it a decade later because Hurricane Katrina had wiped out most of the places I had major scenes in. I chose to keep the start of it back then and then include the 2005 damage from Hurricane Katrina in my second book. In 2005 we had mucho less technology. Some things we have today may've been out there, but not so fully in use.

Morgan Mandel said...

It's very difficult because we have to keep abreast of all the latest means available to law enforcement for solving crimes, or else make some excuse why they're not available to authorities.

John Hardy said...

In this blog you tell about mystery and modern technology. I love your good information this article. I hope you will share more good updates. Now it's time to avail Roofing Services in Wayne for more information. said...

You've hit the nail. Modern mysteries are so hard to write if you're like me, tech dumb. I'm going to write historical mysteries. I love history, but have to try out a historical mystery.