Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How Has the Covid 19 Affected Your Writing?

I'm wondering because I've seen so many varied reports from writers on Facebook and other places.

Some seem to have given up writing to deep clean their house. I can assure you that hasn't happened to me. Oh, I've thought of it, but that's about as far as I've gotten. I pay a granddaughter to do the floors and other chores that I don't do anymore.

Other writers seem to have used this time when the world as we know it as been put on slow to write like crazy, producing even more than they have before.

For me, it's not the virus that's affected my writing, it's getting writing jobs that have taken up my time. I also have done some promoting by offering the first book in my Deputy Tempe Crabtree series free for 5 days. That paid off in over 600 copies being downloaded, and now people are buying copies of other books in the series--which, of course, was the whole point of the freebie.

I'm more fortunate than many in the fact that I have family living with me, next door, and close by and I still see them all. So, some parts of my life haven't changed. 

I am working on a new Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery and I'm anxious to get back to it and finish.

I've lamented all the in-person book events that have been cancelled--but lo and behold, I have two events coming up--a holiday boutique being held at the nearby art gallery--masks to be worn by all, and another event that hasn't quite been firmed up as yet.

Because I want people to know when I'm smiling, I purchased clear full face masks to wear. 

So, tell me, how has this nasty virus affected you and your writing?


You can take a peek at all my books at my website: http://fictionforyou.com/ 


authorlindathorne said...

Other things affected my writing negatively a while back. I'm trying to get back on track as I sort of "gave up" on my next book. It was good in my head, but putting it out where readers would enjoy has been one huge task. Well, I'm getting off the subject as something other than COVID-19 affected my writing, but COVID has affected my blogging and social media. This is one reason I'm late to comment. Days seem to go by and they are all the same and I feel shut down in my house with little motivation other than the things I have to do for my day job. I'm so lucky to still have a paying job, but then working from home is a book in itself. I saw hope in the news this evening that we may have a vaccine coming out in 2021. Sure hope this happens for all of us. If we have to depend on other humans wearing masks and using common sense, then we may all be doomed LOL.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

To be honest, I haven't worried about the Covid at all. It's one of those things I can't fix so my feeling is why worry about it.