Tuesday, September 13, 2022

I'm Woefully Behind


And I blame it on birthdays. We had one after another--geat grands, mine, my sister's and my hubby's/

Mine was fun and different. Grandaughter who lives with us, along with her three girls, treated me to a haircut at the beauty school where another great-granddaughter is a student. Of course, she's the one who cut my hair. She always has unusual hair--this time it was half blonde and half dark brown. After, we all had lunch at a hole-in-the wall Chinese restaurant with wonderful food. We had a great visit.

From there we went to a bakery and picked out my birthday cake which we had after dinner that night.

For hubby's birthday, first he was celebrated at church and received a miniature pie for himself. After we went to Thai Kitchen and shared our favorites.  The next day, which was his actual birthday, he received lots of phone calls, even one from one of his old Seabee buddies. They haven't seen each other for years.

I am doing a bit of writing on my new and probably last Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, but have been so busy with other tasks, I've not gotten very far.

I really thought End of the Trail would be the last one, but then I came up with the idea for The Trash Harem and just had to write it. Then my friend, who has appeared in several of the Tempe mysteries under a fictional name, has asked to be in another, with a special request, so that's what I'm working on now. 

And I supposed to be honest, I should just admit, I'm slowing down.

Happy Reading,


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